Run your Meta Advertising buys to HYPENGIN and see 7X the conversion rate
We have a simple approach to set up the automation that dramatically improves your results.
Take our optimized prebuilt funnel template that guides a user through DM opt in, Email capture, content nurturing and the Purchase.
Collect and build a database of opted in users you can continue to engage with months after the Media Buy.
Scale your Customer conversations to thousands with DM Automation.
Have someone on your team jump into the conversation when notified.
Supporting customers 1 on 1 is time consuming and resource intensive.
Identifying customer's needs
Identify and offer the correct solutions
Guide the purchase and close the sale
Social media marketing is expensive.
Easy to scale but you pay every time you engage
Lower conversion rates and customers tune out ads
The solution:
Build Scaled Customer Engagement with HYPENGIN.
Engage all of your potential customer using DM automations
Build trust over time with customized content they look forward to receiving
Ask customer questions and customize product offering
Nurture the conversation at scale and lower customer acquisition cost
Build a customer list on the platforms they socialize on
Instagram and Facebook are where your customers are socializing with friends and family. Your brand wants to be engaging in conversation on the platforms they are hanging out.
Average time spent on Instagram as of 2023 is 29 minutes per day.
Average person is spending 35 minutes per day on Facebook in 2023.
Average open rates of 80%, compare that to your email opens.